“Gensou Craft Series” (The Fantastic Crafts Series)
We “Collector of mysterious crafts” search and collect the magically mysterious handmade crafts every day and night. A lot of secret recipes of wizards, who craft magically beautiful handmade works, are included in our huge collections. This series of books are full of the mysterious and attractive hidden recipes from our precious collections.
All our books consist of “how to craft” pages, which contain secret masters’ techniques and wizards’ magics. Also we put the beautiful photographs of our collections.
You can learn how to craft mysterious crafts like popular handmade artists do in this series of books. Are you ready for going back and forth between the real and fantasy world with us?

- Japanese
- English
The Wizards’ Secret Recipes
Magic wands, magical tools of mysterious spirits, witches' lamps which are never turned off, boxes of the secret medicines are included in “The Wizards’ Secret Recipes”.
You can find magical tools in a lot of anime, manga, video games and movies. These magical tools attract you everytime and everywhere. You can make magically fascinating things, you always wished you could get, by yourself with this book “The Wizards’ Secret Recipes”. This book introduces the way to make them with the materials you can easily find and buy. The recipes of 12 popular artists are included in this book. You can learn charismatic wizards’ unique way to craft. Also the photographs’ pages of our collections make you feel like you’re in a magical tool shop.

- Japanese
- English
The Magical Girl’s Secret Atelier
There are many kinds of magical tools like compacts dressed up with shiny magical stones, magic canes, magical accessories that make your wish come true in this book “The Magical Girl’s Secret Atelier”. When we were young, we were fascinated by Magical girls’ items in anime and manga. Those magical items still attract us even after we have grown up. This book introduces you to how to make your own shiny magical girls’ items full of your dreams. The techniques of 5 charismatic and popular artists are included in this book. The concept of the first half of this book is “the room of magical girls”. The latter part is “the study room of grown up magical girls”. 21 gorgeous works are included in this book.
- Japanese
- English
Creating Mysterious Masks
Since ancient times, people have worn their masks to transform their faces into other things. Pest mask, skull mask, fox mask, “hannya” mask, mask inspired by steampunk, other animal masks are included in this book “Creating Mysterious Masks”. This is the only book (in the world? maybe...) featuring “crafting” those mysterious and beautiful masks. You can learn various techniques from basics like using paper clays to professionals like using 3D printers. Every page of this book impresses and surprises you.
- Japanese
- English
ふわふわとした尻尾と柔らかな毛並みを持つ狐の幻獣、美しい羽根を持つ鳥類の幻獣、鹿と龍の特徴を併せ持つ幻獣などなど……。まるでファンタジー世界から飛び出してきたかのようなリアルな幻獣&装飾品の作り方を、国内・海外で人気の5名のアーティストたちが解説。制作の工程・テクニックを詳細な写真とともに紹介していきます。 作り方を学ぶだけではなく、美しい作品の数々を鑑賞して楽しめる一冊です。
AmazonCreating Mythical Creatures
There are fantastic creatures like mythical foxes with fluffy tails and soft hair, mythical birds with beautiful feathers, and a mythical deer creature combined with dragon in this book “Creating Mythical Creatures”. 5 Artists all over the world introduce how to create those lifelike and mythical creatures & their accessories with detailed pictures of the creation process and techniques. You can not only learn the way of creating and also enjoy the beautiful photographs of all creatures.
- Japanese
- English
The Wizard’s Small Amulets
Magic wands, brooms, potions, crystal orbs are included in “The Wizard’s Small Amulets”.
5 popular artists show you how to create the small magical tools by craft resin, parts on the market, and the other materials easy to get. Every magical tool has gallery pages, which have a lot of photos from various angles. You can learn the basic knowledge about UV and epoxy resins, the differences of types of glue, and how to make the silicone molds by yourself. Also don’t miss the collaboration pages! A popular illustrator “Spin” designed a few magical tools and the artists made them real.
If you have any questions, you can send them from here. Also we are always looking forward to your feedback on our books.